Donate to the CCASC

Your ongoing support of the Central Coast Autism Spectrum Center makes all of the following possible:

  • Camp Expedition summer camp for 80 children on the autism spectrum
  • Teen/young adult dances, teen/young adult game nights, open mic nights, children’s craft days and zombie day
  • Phone and email support
  • Education and employment advocacy group participation, highlighting the unique needs of our autism community
  • First responder trainings continue and are now also integrated into classroom training programs at Cuesta.
  • Parent network groups
  • WALK for autism and awareness fair
  • Hispanic outreach – collaboration has begun with local promoters to improve our outreach to non-English speaking members of our autism community

And much much more…..

All of this happens because of YOU! We need YOUR ongoing support to ensure that families and individuals touched by autism get a fair shake in our society. We must continue developing opportunity and moving towards positive systemic change. YOUR ongoing support makes this possible. We share a single focused vision of improving life for those with autism.

There are many ways you can contribute.

We are a 501c3 non-profit and any amount you give is tax deductible. You can donate online now by clicking the link below.

We also have a Wish List on Amazon if you would prefer to donate specific items to CCASC for our upcoming events.

A tremendous thank you for your ongoing support, sharing in the vision of full citizenship for those with autism.